Quotes-August 2012

This month was full of my mom visiting, hot weather, school beginning, and too much time on pinterest.  Here are quotes from this month’s reading. From Hebrews 10:35, 36 “So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord.  Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to […]

Lessons from My Water Tank

Certain things are different living overseas.  One thing that is different is how we get our water.  We actually have a well in our back yard but our water does not come directly from our well.  First we turn on a water pump that takes the water from the well and puts it in a huge tank on top of […]

Links-August 2012

(pic by TJ 2012) This month my honey was able to take us flying and this was the view from the air.  It was a breath of fresh air after the summer in our dusty city.   Summer is coming to a close here with school starting on Wednesday.  Hopefully this teacher will be ready.  Here are a few of […]

One Rung At a Time

(My mom going over the wall.  Pic by me) This summer, my next door neighbor and I decided we would exercise together 2 or 3 times a week.  Morning was the best time to workout for us since it was still cool outside.  Since her kids are little and might be a bit frightened if she was not there when […]