
Links-July 2012

Hope this finds you staying cool in spite of the heat. This is a picture of my back patio where I like sit and talk with friends. One of my goals for the rest of the summer is to spend more time out here especially in the early morning.
Here are my links for the month.
The Message of the Bible in 221 Words from Desiring God. This is a great one to read out loud.
Christ is Our Treasure Not Our Homes from Desiring God. Great reminder for me as a mom.
A Life Full of Surrender This has lots of great quotes in it. One of my favorites is when Joy says “Don’t think for one second that my sacrifice is any harder than yours. It’s not.”
All You Need is Two Little Words for a Better Marriage Corey at SimpleMarriage gives some great advice. Some of the two little words made me say ouch and others made me smile.
Ways to Beat the Heat Olive gives some great tips on beating the heat and staying sane this summer without AC. It also made me not complain about our heat quite so much since where she lives it is much hotter.
Enjoy. What were some of your favorite links for the month?
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