Crumbs From the Master’s Table
All of You is more than enough for
All of me for every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
And all I have in You is more than enough.
We were singing these words last week in our small group as my mind was reviewing the notes for the adult discussion that I would lead next. The passage for that day was Matthew 15 where Jesus talked about things being clean and unclean, Jesus healed the Canaanite women’s daughter, and Jesus again fed a big crowd of people with just a little food. I started thinking about the contrast between the lyrics “all of You” and the Canaanite woman only needing crumbs from the table. The Canaanite woman had a daughter who was demon possessed. She had come to Jesus and his disciples begging and pleading for Jesus to heal her daughter. She knew who he was and what he could do. She had a daughter who needed Jesus. This woman decided that she would do anything within her power to persuade Jesus to heal her daughter. The disciples wanted to send her away. Instead Jesus and the woman discussed Jesus coming to the lost sheep of Israel and how it was not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs. In great faith, she replied to Jesus that even “the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master’s table.” (Matt 15:26) Jesus recognized and acknowledged her faith and healed her daughter that very hour.
So even though Jesus gave all of himself for us on the cross, I think it is important to remember that a crumb from his table is more than sufficient to take care of the needs that we have. So even though it is true that all of God is more than enough for all of me. The same could be said for the crumbs that fall from the Master’s table. The story was also a reminder for me of my need to bring my children to the throne of grace daily. My children need a touch of Jesus. The woman pleaded and begged for Jesus to heal her daughter. The least I could do it is pray for my children, their needs, their future, and that they would walk with Jesus daily.
Dear God, Thank you that you are so much more than we can think or imagine. Thank you that you care for our children and want us to bring them to you. Be with W and Big D. Bless them and guide them on the path you have for them. Amen
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