Unfriend Yourself- A Book Review

Yourself by Kyle Tennant is a must read.  In the age of social networking, it is important that we understand the technology that we are using and how it affects us.  The author suggests that you unfriend yourself for three days from Facebook as you are reading this short book.  He points out the dangers of social networking but also […]

Quotes-July 2012

July has been full of friends, being outside, drinking lots of iced tea, and reading, of course.  Here are a few quotes from my reading this month. From Glorious Illusions: A Novel by Lisa T. Bergen “Bitterness leads nowhere but down.  Accept God’s love, even if you don’t understand his ways.  And out of respect of that love, love others, […]

Seeing and Stereotypes

Awhile back our family was sitting around after supper talking with a friend and the subject of homeschooling came up.  Our friend told of us her experience with homeschoolers where she lived and how she would never homeschool.  It didn’t help that one homeschool family had told her that getting her bachelor’s degree was a waste of time since she […]

Links-July 2012

Hope this finds you staying cool in spite of the heat.  This is a picture of my back patio where I like sit and talk with friends.  One of my goals for the rest of the summer is to spend more time out here especially in the early morning.  Here are my links for the month.  The Message of the […]

Crumbs From the Master’s Table

All of You is more than enough for  All of me for every thirst and every need You satisfy me with Your love And all I have in You is more than enough. We were singing these words last week in our small group as my mind was reviewing the notes for the adult discussion that I would lead next. […]


(Photo credit- flikr-Terry Ozon) When we lived in the states, I didn’t text.  For our plan, it cost 10 cents a text.  I also didn’t really care for texting because I was always taking cell phones from students who were trying to text during my class.  Then I moved overseas.  Between flight following, checking in each night, and communicating with […]

Lessons from My Chocolate Chip Stash

Chocolate chips are not sold in the country where I live as well as the other things pictured above.  Somehow I have accumulated quite a stash from gracious friends sending care packages in and from our spring break trip where we stopped at a Hershey’s store.  They are nice treat to have when it comes to baking but there is […]

Grace and Expectations

Well yesterday didn’t turn out how I had planned but it ended up being a good day.  See this post for more details on yesterday.  No, I did not get my hair cut.  After waiting an hour, I decided it would be better to reschedule and take back control of my day.  God in his graciousness made it possible for […]

On Those Days When I Need to Be Flexible…

Photo Credit: Flikr- Candie_N Ask my friends.  I like to be on time.  I like to keep to a schedule.  If someone says they will do something, I expect it to get done.  I live in a country where none of those things are a priority.  Most of the time, I have learned to roll with the punches.  Sometimes I […]

Quotes part II- June 2012

Since I out of school, I have been reading a bit more.  These quotes didn’t seems to fit with the other quotes so I decided to just do a second post.  The quotes come from two books I read this month. The first book is From the Garden to the City by John Dyer “Instead of living our lives according […]