Links-June 2012
This week we started our summer break. I am excited about the extra time to read, study, pray and hang out with friends that is if I can stay disciplined. The following links were great reminders for me of my priorities for this summer and what I want to accomplish.
The first post is about Why Bible Study Doesn’t Transform Us? Great reminders of how God wants me to be in his word and to learn from Him.
Since I will be spending more time with W and Big D, The Happy Mom Manifesto was a much needed read.
My last three links are from Desiring God.
Far Too Easily Pleased by Ken Myers. Am I longing for the glory of heaven or am I too easily pleased by the temporary pleasure here on earth?
How Summertime Helps Us Pray by Jonathan Parnell. Challenge to keep my resolution of spending more time in prayer this summer.
Joe Encouragement by Jon Bloom. I so want my conversations and words especially with my children to be encouraging and drawing people to Jesus.
Dear God, Help me to use this break for your glory. May I spend it learning and praying and giving and living joyfully. May I see beauty in each day and each person you send my way. Amen