
Quotes-April 2012

(Picture by TJ)
Here’s a little bit of what I have been reading this month.
From What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lysa TerKeurst
p. 79 “A wise friend once gave me a real nugget of truth that I think about often. She warned me as I stepped out and determined to say yes to God in all things, “Never let others” compliments go to your head or their criticisms go to your heart.”
p. 83 “But we can make the choice to worship. When we worship in these hard place, we are reminded that none of this is about us-it’s all about God. We turn our focus off of ourselves and back onto God Almighty. God can use empty places in your life to draw your heart to Him. He is the great love of your life who will never disappoint.”
p. 94 “A real sign of spiritual maturity is looking to God not for comfort and convenience but for purpose and perspective. Comfort and convenience lead to complacency. When trouble comes, the complacent person becomes critical of everyone, including God. On the other hand, purpose and perspective lead to the perseverance that is evident in those living a truly devoted life. The persistent person eagerly looks to handle trials and struggles in a way the honors God and allows personal growth.”
From The Garden to the City by John Dyer
“Technology, then, is the means by which we transform the world as it is into the world that we desire. What we often fail to notice is that it is not only the world that gets transformed by the technology. We, too, are transformed.”
From Words by Ginny Yttrup. This is one of the best novels I have read in a long time. It is a story of redemption and healing and of course words.
From a conversation between Sierra and her dad:
“Honey, do you know why I farm?”
At eighteen I’d never considered the why of what my parents did. “No, Daddy. Why?”
“Farming’s not something that can be done alone. I till the ground, plant the seeds, and irrigate. But it’s the rising and setting of the sun and the changing of the seasons that cause the grain to grow. Farming is a partnership with the Creator. Each year when I reap the harvest, I marvel at a Creator who allows me the honor of cocreating with Him.” He’d stopped staring at the fields and instead looked straight at me. “Look for what the Creator wants you to do, Shannon. He wants to share His creativity with you. He wants to partner with you. You find what He wants you to do.”
My favorite quote of the month from a teammate and friend at our ladies retreat.
“Nothing grows without water.” (referring to our tears.)
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A good friend of mine (possibly a sibling) said, "Nothing grows well without fertilizer."–refering to the junk that occasionally drops into our lives. 🙂
Thanks for adding to the quotes for the month. So I guess nothing grows without water and fertilizer. 🙂