Favorite Links-April 2012

Favorite Links-April 2012

Our family just got back a week ago from a trip to China.  Here is a picture of the plum trees blooming.  A great reminder that spring is here.  While on our trip, it was fun to have some downtime here and there to do some reading.  Here are some of my favorite links.

Especially as I have one teenager and one preteen, I needed to hear the words from this blog on Praying more and Saying Less. by Pam at Doorposts of Your Home.

Along the same lines as the last blog but this time in regards to my opinions and speaking them to others is this post at Blazing Center by Stephen Altrogge called Hold the Truth Tightly and Your Passionate Opinions Lightly.

Corey at SimpleMom has some great advice in his post If You Want a Great Marriage Don’t Compromise.

I love to read.  I usually am reading on two or three books at a time.  Novels I finish pretty quickly.  Other books it may take a month or so reading just a bit at time.  I have been trying in the last year to be a bit more picky about what I read but still haven’t got into reading the classics just a few more nonfictions and biographies. Here are some great posts on reading.
From Desiring God, John Piper talks about Reading as a Lifetime Vocation.
From The Atlantic, Maura Kelly talks about a Slow Books Manifesto.   Great encouragement to read classics.  I actually might try to read a classic this spring.

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