Have You Stopped Praying?

Have You Stopped Praying?

(From Guppydas on Flikr)

I don’t mean have you stopped praying all together but have you stopped praying for certain situations and people.   I live and work in a place where it seems like there is a mini or major crisis once a week.  Since these crisises always seem to work out okay I pretty much live life as normal unless it gets really major.  In a way, I pride myself in being able to distance myself from the drama and worry but is that what I am suppose to do?    Okay, I know I don’t need to join the drama and worry but maybe I should be praying about these crisises.  Praying that they would be resolved and that God would be glorified.   For example, there was a situation at our school that had progressed to the point we were possibly going to start spring break early.  God in his timing allowed our school to get the right letter with the right signature in hand before our deadline.  I had known about the situation but just thought it will work out.  It did but I know this weekend many people including me were praying for a good resolution.  Why did I wait until the last few days to start praying?  I don’t have an answer.    In reality, many of these situations are resolved because someone is praying somewhere.  How can I not be a part of that?

Here is another scenario.  Someone in leadership is responsible for getting something done.  Trust is an issue.  Can they do it is in an issue.  Due to these issues, have I stopped praying?  I don’t think the person can do it so why pray?  I forget that I have a God who specializes in answered prayer and using cracked vessels.  In fact, I am one of those cracked vessels who could use lots of prayer.  It is not a matter of trusting that person and their abilities.  It is a matter of trusting in a God who can do the impossible.   God is in the business of changing lives and situations for his glory.  Am I praying to this end? 
Prayer takes time and maybe that can be the challenge but I think the biggest obstacle for many is remembering the importance of prayer and believing that God will answer our prayers.   Because if I really believed in the importance of prayer, wouldn’t I spend more time in prayer?

What have you stopped praying about but would like to begin again?

Dear God, Thank you that we can talk to you about any and everything.  We can bring all our worries and cares to you.  You specialize in changing lives and situations.  Forgive me for neglecting to pray for the situations that I encounter daily.  Forgive me for not praying for those in leadership or that I work with.  Help me daily to come to you with my concerns and the concerns of those around me.  Amen

1 thought on “Have You Stopped Praying?

    • Author gravatar

      Thanks for the good reminders about prayer! I was just explaining to one of my kids (who wants to know how she can serve the Lord right now) that prayer is important work. As I finished talking with her, I was convicted of my own lack of time in prayer. Your post was another encouragement to me to spend more time before the throne of grace each day.
      Thank you, Friend!

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