10 Ways Not To Rest
I was having coffee with a friend last week and she asked me how I was really doing. She had noticed that I was more quiet lately at some of the gatherings and was a little worried about me. I thought about her question and could not think of anything that I was having an issue with but being tired. I am tired. I am tired physically. I am tired of always having to be on top of things with my students. I am tired of trying to keep all things together with our family during this cold. But I just had a 3 week break during the holidays, how could I be tired? Besides, I like my job, my family and I am enjoying all that I am doing here. So if I am enjoying life and fill like I am doing what God has called me to be, why am I so tired? Maybe you can relate. So I have have been thinking of how to incorporate rest more into my life. God rested on the 7th day and commanded a day of rest for his people. God made it a priority so should I. What does that look like? I am not sure what that looks like for me in this season but I am figuring out what it is not. So here is my list of what rest is not for me.
1. Rest is not found by sitting in front of the computer whether just surfing the internet or hanging out on Facebook.
2. Rest is not found when I have no margin in my life and head from one thing to the next.
3. Rest is not found when I have a to do list in my mind that won’t shut off.
4. Rest is not found when I feel like things would fall apart without me doing all the things I need to do.
5. Rest is not found when I always have to have noise in the background such as music, podcasts, or the TV.
6. Rest is not found when I don’t have a normal sleep schedule.
7. Rest is not found when I have unresolved conflict with God or another person.
8. Rest is not found when my eyes are on myself and how much I am doing or how tired I am.
9. Rest is not found when I have unrealistic expectations for myself and those around me.
10. And most importantly, true rest is not found apart from God.
Feel free to add to my list in the comments.
Dear Jesus, You said in your word that all who are weary and heavy laden are to come to you and you will give us rest. I come to you. I ask you to show me how to rest in you and find true rest. In your name, Amen
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