February Quotes-2012

I don’t have as many this month but here the few I have. From Highland Sanctuary by Jennifer Hudson Taylor “She raised up on her tiptoes.  “In times of crisis, we fast and pray as a whole,” Kyla whispered, glancing back at the bent heads.  “This is how we fight our battles.”” From The Christian Atheist: When You Believe God […]

Seeing and Our Long Winter

This week I have been home and sick so have had lots of time to think.  At the beginning of the week, I was feeling tired not only physically but emotionally from the cold and its challenges.  I did not want to despair but found myself crying for what Big D said was two minutes after calling in sick to […]

Seeing and Lunch Duty

Even though I am a high school teacher, I have lunch duty for 1st and 2nd graders with another staff member.  Overall I enjoy the time in the middle of the day to be outside and interact with these precious ones.  As you can see, we are now inside.  The weather has been terribly cold and we have had lots […]

10 Ways Not To Rest

I was having coffee with a friend last week and she asked me how I was really doing.  She had noticed that I was more quiet lately at some of the gatherings and was a little worried about me.  I thought about her question and could not think of anything that I was having an issue with but being tired. […]

Favorite Links-February 2012

As February continues cold and snowy for us, here a a few of the blogs I have enjoyed reading in the last month. From Scotty Smith- A prayer for Casting Our Burdens on the Lord Encouragement for those needing friends and even for those who feel like they have enough. Finding Friends.  This blog also has some great desktop calendars for […]

On Those Days When You Feel Like Quitting

This day was full of no patience, students not listening, one student sent to the principal and a teacher with a big headache ready to go home.  Okay, that teacher was me.  It is on days like this I wonder why I do what I do.  I hate it when I have no patience.  I hate it even more when […]

Seeing and the Snow

One thing I am working on this year is trying to see people, issues and things from other points of view.   So many times I see things through the lenses I have of the world and fail to see how things really are or how God might see the situation.  So I thought I would attempt to do a […]