Fully Clean

Fully Clean

Did I mention that it is cold here?  Due to no central heat, pipes freezing, and the time it takes to heat up bathrooms, we don’t shower everyday.   So when I entered the warm bathroom after 3 days with no shower, I was more than ready to be fully clean.  No sponge baths or extra deodorant, I wanted to be fully clean.  I took my time and scrubbed my hair watching as a trail of dirty soapy water went down the drain. Since I was the last one to shower that day, I lingered under the hot water just a few seconds longer enjoying the warmth and being clean.   As I finished getting ready for my day, I enjoyed the joy of being refreshed and ready to face the world with a new outlook- a clean one.   A clean outlook is one where the world seems a little more positive and you have a “I can take on this day with a smile” attitude.

In Psalm 51, David had a similar idea about being fully clean in regards to his relationship with God.  His heart was dirty with the sin of murder, adultery and all the sin that led up to those.  David didn’t mess around with a few bullet prayers of “God, I am sorry, please forgive me.”  He prayed for a deep cleaning.  His words ring true for me today.  “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love.” vs1  “Wash me and I will be whiter than snow.” vs7  “Surely you desire truth in the inner parts.” vs6  “Create in me a clean heart, O God.”vs10  It is so easy to keep taking sponge baths and putting off being fully clean.  But being fully clean before my Savior gives life a whole new perspective.  It makes you wonder why you waited so long.

Dear God, I come before you today knowing that you are merciful and forgiving.  Create in me a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me.  Make me more like you.  Amen

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