January 2012 Quotes

Here are some quotes from my reading this month. A nice reminder for those of us who seem to have busy lives from Nancy Leigh Demoss. “Hurry is a pace of life that is seldom conducive to godliness, to relationships, to anything that ultimately matters to us.” Convicting words from Sally Clarkson as I interact daily with my own children […]

Fully Clean

Did I mention that it is cold here?  Due to no central heat, pipes freezing, and the time it takes to heat up bathrooms, we don’t shower everyday.   So when I entered the warm bathroom after 3 days with no shower, I was more than ready to be fully clean.  No sponge baths or extra deodorant, I wanted to […]

Whose side are you on?

(picture taken from canibuyavowel.wordpress.com) It is time for class to start.  We are one day short this week due to an unplanned holiday which means only two days to review before the final.  Now, are my senior students worried about this?  No, not really.    Three of my students are warming themselves by the heater and not too concerned about getting […]

Keeping Warm

As you can see, it is cold where I live.   January has been colder than normal this year.  In fact, today it was only 10 degrees Fahrenheit.   Now where some of  you live the weather is much colder.  What makes it feel so cold here is that there is no central heat.  This Iowa girl had a few […]

Talking About Jesus

As I woke up this morning and lay in bed awake, my mind started thinking about a blog post I had read recently by John Piper called Know A Christian Who Seems to Love Movies More Than Jesus.  It really made me think about the daily conversations I have both inside and outside my home.  What do I get excited about? […]

December 2011/January 2011 Links

Here are some posts that have me thinking and hopefully applying.   Lysa Terkeurst in her post Confessions- Part 3 talked about how we can often push the limits and manipulate instead of waiting on God. Another Lisa, Lisa Byrne reminded me of our 4 minimum requirements. They are not rocket science but practical.   Ann challenged me to a JOY DARE. Actually […]

2012 The Year of …

Last year I was inspired to put one word to what I wanted the New Year to be about.  2011 was the year of Discipleship.    Rereading the post from last year, I see I didn’t quite hit all the things I wanted to but I think I made progress.   Reading the bible through in a year was hard […]

December Quotes 2011

As the old year has ended and the New Year has begun,  I thought I would post my favorite quotes for the month of December. From Ann Voscamp of the blog Holy Experience, December 15, 2011 “If my life isn’t cross centered, my life is off centered.” “Grace is my gravity and the cross is my Cosmos.” From Tim Sinclair […]