Lessons from my Coke Glass

Lessons from my Coke Glass

A couple of years ago, my husband and I were in Atlanta, GA for a conference.  One morning before the conference started, we went on a tour of the Coke Museum.  As a gift for our children, we purchased 4 coke glasses.  The fun thing about these glasses is that you are able to hold cold or hot beverages.  Six months later, they were in our suitcases as we head on our move overseas.   They are still with us after our second move but have a few scratches and a few stains.  I had taken the stains as just part of the regular wear and tear of glasses that we use regularly.  Then last night as I was washing dishes I decided to gently use a little scouring powder on my wash rag to see what the result would be.  The scratches were still there but the stain was gone.  I thought we would need to just live with the glasses as they were when instead they were able to come clean.  Although the scratches did remain.

So what lesson did I learn?  In relationships as on my glasses, we sometimes have stains that we just deal with.   We think that is just the way it is and so we just let it be.   Instead of trying to make it better, we just let it be.  Maybe it is the way we talk to our spouse or children.  Maybe we close off our heart because someone has hurt our feelings instead of working it out with that person.  Or even just accepting faults in myself or others instead of praying about these faults or confronting them.  Starting today I am trying to gently work on a stain in communication between my two children and then how I respond to that communication.  They react to something the other person says assuming the speaker meant something bad and not good.   One child reacts to the other and then the crazy cycle begins.  I am finding that in the process, I am working on how I relate to them.  Are my words full of grace but seasoned with salt?  Are they necessary, truthful and kind?  I have a few stains that need rubbed out by our Lord and Savior.  I am praying that he will do a work in me as well as my children because truly it is only God who can take stains away.  So even though a few scratches may remain, our God is able to complete the work He has started in us if we will just let him.

Dear God,  Thank you for Jesus and his sacrifice.  Thank you that you are in the process of taking stains out of our lives and relationships.  Do your work in me and my family.  In Jesus name, Amen

***Note somehow the reflection of light looks like my glass needs a little more scrubbing. 🙂