Stand Firm

Stand firm. This has been my motto for the past week. Stand firm with my kids. Stand firm with the emotions that want to take over. Stand firm in my classroom. W and D have just finished memorizing Eph 6. I actually bribed them with a movie to do this but they actually seemed to enjoy the process. As we reviewed the verses each day, I was reminded of the need to stand firm. Stand firm in truth, consistency and in my faith. I think the hardest thing for me right now in standing firm is remembering who the enemy is. I have students that can get me really mad. It is so easy to want to lash out at them. I have to continually remind myself that the battle is not against flesh and blood. Sometimes I am successful and other times I am not. Am I angry at the sin or the person? I need to distinguish the two. Frankly, I only teach three classes and I am wore out by the end of the third due to the need to stand firm in discipline and staying on task. Some days I think “Why can’t I have students who obey and want to learn?” The answer is that I live in a fallen world. I do have many students who obey and want to learn but because of sin, even good kids will have bad days. All the more reason for me to pray continually because I truly know I can not do this job in my own strength.

On the bright side, I had a conflict with my own teenager last week. We had words. We had tears. I could see the struggle going on inside of her head. She didn’t need me to get mad at her. She needed me to love her. I still needed to correct her but I needed to do it with love and grace. God is good though. He works in situations even when we mess up. The next day, my dear teen gave me a note that said she was sorry and she loved me. It was a gift from God that God is working in my dear one.

God, May we stand firm in truth, faith and love. May we put on the whole armor of God so we may stand against the schemes of the evil one. May we remember who the real enemy is. May my words be truth but given in love and grace. Amen