February 2011-Quotes

I have been reading a lot this month. Some of the quotes are from blogs and others from books. I always enjoying going back at the end of the month to see what is in my journal. The last quote especially was convicting to me resulting in me doing a little better getting up a little earlier to put in […]

Lessons from Maya

You may be wondering who Maya is? Well, Maya is my personal trainer. Well as personal as you can get for her being a Wii exercise coach. I use to think she was trying to kill me off when I worked out alone instead of with my husband but now our relationship is doing better. Since she is antimated her […]

A Word Left Unsaid

I know there are instances where words left unsaid have caused great hurt. In my life, it is most often the opposite case. There are words I should not have said. Too often I feel the need to make conversation. Other times I want to see if others think about something the way that I do. This is not all […]

A Knock at the Door.

I am having one of those weeks. A week where I don’t want to go to work, the weather is rainy and gloomy and I am just tired. It is like depression is knocking at my door and wanting to come in. In some ways, it is tempting to just open the door and let it in. Going and hiding […]