Quotes-December 2010

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” (author unknown) “We can’t look to our feelings to determine truth. We must look to truth to reign in our feelings.” Lysa Terkeurst “For God, praise is the sweet echo of His own excellence in the hearts of His people. For us, praise is the summit […]

Hope in Desolute Places

On my way to school every day, I see men standing by a bridge hoping someone will come and hire them. People are crammed onto buses like sardines. Little boys with dirty faces and clothes walk around hoping some one will give them a coin or two. Cars have made a three laned road where there should be just three […]

Leaving Babylon-Isaiah 48

Most of us have been in places where we didn’t necessarily want to be. It could be a physical, emotional, or spiritual place. The Israelites were in a place they did not want to be. They were in exile in Babylon. Some of the people couldn’t wait to leave and as soon as they could, they returned back to Jerusalem. […]