Get Moving-Deut. 2

Often we talk about how God has us wait on His timing but you don’t hear as much about God saying, “Get moving.” In Deut. 2:13, 14 NLT, God said just that. The Israelites had been in that spot too long and needed to move on. It reminded me of when my DH and I were talking about the next step that God has for us. Was God calling us to go to another country? What would that look like? There came a point where it was like God was saying “Get moving.” The next couple of months were busy selling our house, finding a job for me, finding a school for the kids, finding a school for DH’s training, and finding a rental to live plus selling or giving away much of the stuff we had accumulated. We had been in one place too long and God had another in mind for us. When God says “Get moving”, it might not be moving to a new location. It could be in some area where we need to learn a new skill, character trait or even begin a new area of ministry. It could even be meeting the neighbor next door or asking someone over for coffee. May I ever be ready to get moving, when God say to.

Another reminder for me from Deut. 2 was how God was taking care of more people groups than just the Israelites. As the Israelites went through the land of the Edomites and Moabites, they were instructed to take care and pay for the things they used. God also made a point to tell them that God had given the Moabites and Edomites this land and Israel’s land was some place else. The passage also mentioned how God had helped these people groups defeat the giants in the land. I think it is easy to get into a mentality of thinking that the Gentiles were a non issue until Jesus came. This is not the case. God has had his eyes on all peoples wanting all to come to him from the beginning of time.

(A prayer adapted from Deut. 2:7) Dear God, Thank you for how you have blessed us in everything we have done. Thank you for how you have watched out for our every step even when we have gone through the wilderness. You have been with us and we have lacked nothing. May we be faithful to the tasks you have for us. Amen