A Fun Surprise

My friend over at Cool Beans is spreading sunshine around through the Sunshine Award. My blog was one of the blogs listed for the award. I always enjoy taking a peek at different blogs so you may enjoy going to Cool Beans and seeing what other blogs she enjoys.

The Sunshine Award is given to those blogs that inspire and show creativity and positivity. Rules for accepting are as follows.

1. Put the logo within your blog or post.

2. Pass the award onto 10 fellow bloggers.

3. Link the nominees within your post.

4. Let the nominees know they have received the award by commenting on the blog.

5. Share the love and link to the person who you received this award from.

Here are some blogs that I have enjoyed reading.

I don’t have 10 at this point but I will add more as I find others that I enjoy.

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2 thoughts on “A Fun Surprise

    • Author gravatar

      TJ – it's Bev. Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm not in blog world much these days because I have a senior in high school and am savoring all his last days there. I'll be back this summer. Thanks again. Love, Bev

    • Author gravatar

      Congrats on the prize! I am always uplifted by your blog, and I'm glad someone else confirmed it!

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