February 2010 Quotes ( a bit late)

Here are some of the quotes I have been collecting.

From Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs

“My response to my spouse is my responsibility. In my own marriage, my spouse doesn’t cause me to be the way I am. He/she reveals the way I am.”

From Tedd Tripp’s Instructing a Child’s Heart (Thanks C for this one)

“Friendships are for the purpose of glorifying God, encouraging others, showing love and compassion, and gaining encouragement to do what is right.”

From Holy Experience by Ann

“I wrap love around her shoulder and invite her to come away to prayer because as a parent, the best I can do for the soul sick children is to bring them close to Jesus and let them feel his touch.”

From A Simple Path by Mother Teresa

“Everything is God’s to give and to take away, so share what you’ve been given and that includes yourself.”

From Ordinary Women with an Extraordinary God by Noel Piper

“”Oh how good,” said the person once, “is it to work for God in the daytime and at night to lie down under his smiles!”” This was said about Sarah Edwards

Prayer of Lilias Trotter in the same book: She prayed for Open doors, open hearts, open heavens.

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1 thought on “February 2010 Quotes ( a bit late)

    • Author gravatar

      Such uplifting quotes! Thanks for sharing. I saw one or two I'd like to pass along to loved ones. God bless you. – Sharon

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