Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God :: Desiring God Christian Resource Library
The past week or so I have been challenged as I have read the biographies of 5 faithful women-Sarah Edwards, Lilas Trotter, Ahn Ei Sook, Gladys Alyward, Helen Roseveare. This book by Noel Piper examines the lives of each woman and shows us their journey including their struggles and challenges. My journal has been filled with quotes and things I have been challenged with. The lady I related to the most was the last one, Helen Roseveare. She was a medical doctor in the Congo. I could see that some of her struggles are my struggles and it was a blessing to see how God worked in and through her in spite of these struggles.
Three things especially challenged me. The first is on the subject of sin. Helen came to a point where she hated sin for what it is sin. Before she realized she had not really been hating sin so much as the consequences or guilt that came from the sin. May I hate sin as God hates it. The second thing was the picture of the African pastors’ wife who upon meeting Helen immediately loved her fully. Helen was convicted of this thinking would she have done the same if the roles were reversed or would she have waited for the woman to prove herself. She was reminded of Romans 5:8 and how God loved us even when we are yet sinners. As I get ready to move, I am praying I can have the love this pastor’s wife had for the people I will meet. Lastly she often struggled with becoming exhausted and then losing her spiritual energy and then the cycle would keep repeating itself. Another reminder of the need to try to keep a good schedule for my health and to stay connected to the Giver of all things.
If you are interested, you can actually downloaded the book from Desiring Here is a link.
Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God :: Desiring God Christian Resource Library
Dear God, May we be faithful to the journey you have for us remembering that you are an extraordinary God who uses even us. Amen