
BumbleBee isn’t actually a bee. He is a transformer. A transformer that is in a box somewhere waiting to be delivered to the country that we currently live in. At least that is what we are hoping. He is a birthday present for our son and we have been waiting for him to come since the middle of November. Now our son is doing a good job of waiting but at times he is doubtful. Other times he is hopeful especially if there is news that someone on our team received a package. One thing he does know is that his parents have promised to get him a BumbleBee. It may come in the mail or it may come when his father takes a training trip to the states. But we have promised this to him. He knows we will keep our promise unless of course circumstances beyond our control prevent it.

As followers of Jesus, we have many promises given to us by our heavenly Father. Some of these promises we have seen fulfilled and some are yet to be fulfilled. We have hope not only in our present salvation but that we will spend eternity with Him in Heaven. Just as my son is believing that his parents will keep their word so we even more can depend on God’s word. At times we may get impatient to see the fulfilment of these promises but the fulfilment will come. At times we may doubt but that does not negate what God says. So as the writer of Hebrews tells us, “Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.” May we be faithful as the men and women in the hall of faith were. They lived their lives in hope of God’s words knowing that life would not be easy but that God was good and the ultimate promise keeper.

Many times we get so caught up in the every day details of life forgetting about the hope we have in God and His promises. Or maybe we are so overwhelmed by a tragedy or circumstances that surround us that we are blinded to what the truth is. I wonder how my life would be different if I lived each day remembering the hope that I have in me and the hope that awaits me in the future? I don’t have an answer. I do know I would like to live as faithfully as those found in the hall of faith. (Heb 11) Only with God’s grace and help can that be done.

Dear God, Thank you for your promises. Thank you that you are faithful. May I live life to its fullest and for your kingdom. May I live in expectation of seeing your promises be fulfilled in my lifetime. Amen

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