When life gives you lemons…

On Monday we were without power and water for most of the day. But because we had no power and water, my husband and I used it as an excuse to go study and have lunch at a local cafe. I posted about it on facebook and a friend commented “When life gives you lemons…” Of course we all know it ends with, “you make lemonade” . It made me think if I do make lemonade out of unexpected or difficult circumstances. Do I see lemons as a challenge or a burden? Do I use lemons as an opportunity for growth or complaining? I was thinking about the positives from our unreliable electricity and water besides getting a lunch date with my honey. First of all, I am learning to take advantage of the times I do have electricity and water in terms of keeping stayingn current with my houses chores and cooking. I also now have a few meal plans that don’t require opening the refrigerator to fix. My DH and I are also viewing this as practice for our final destination in less than a year. Last of all, no electricity also means less distractions from my language studying and more family time.

The last few days the water and power have been on consistently which is a blessing but there will be other lemons that come our way. May God help us make lemonade out of each situation.

Dear God, Thank you for your provision in all things. Forgive us for taking for granted so many things in life. Thank you for showing us that life is not always how we think it should be but how you think it should be. Thank you for the blessings you send us in the midst of the lemons in life. May we always seek to glorify you in all our circumstances. Amen

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