A Few Reminders

Why am I in another part of the world learning a different language and culture? Romans 3:22 says it all…”We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.” No matter who we are. I am so glad that includes me. The people of […]

Quotes for September

Quote from a Lousia May Alcott book“…it is the small temptations which undermine integrity, unless we watch and pray, and never think them too trivial to be resisted.” Mother Theresa “By praying. If you want to pray better, you much pray more.” “Hope is definitely not the same as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out […]

When life gives you lemons…

On Monday we were without power and water for most of the day. But because we had no power and water, my husband and I used it as an excuse to go study and have lunch at a local cafe. I posted about it on facebook and a friend commented “When life gives you lemons…” Of course we all know […]

No excuses

Language learning has brought out a character flaw of mine that needs to go away. I like to make excuses. Correction comes. I have an excuse. I don’t know if it is insecurity or pride but I don’t like to be wrong. Since I have trouble pronouncing all these new words correctly, I get lots of correction. Sometimes it is […]