Comfort Zone

Personally I like my comfort zone. Who doesn’t? I would say that for most of this last month I have been out of my comfort zone. I don’t know the language here. The bazaars are crowded and people don’t really worry about your personal space. Crossing the street is even an adventure not to mention riding in a taxi with a kamikaze driver. There are moments I have found myself seeking the comfort of a familiar tv show watched on our computer or food that tastes like home. In my discomfort, I have started to think about God’s view of my comfort. In my comfort, I often try to do things on my own strength. When I am concerned about my comfort, it can become all about me and less about Him. On the other hand when I am out of my comfort zone, I am reminded that life can’t be done in my own strength. Being out of my comfort zone, I am in a place where God can work on my character and grow my faith. It is often when I am out of my comfort zone that God works in me and through me.

Even though I am out of my comfort zone alot, I am finding contentment in my circumstances. In fact, I enjoy the quiet in the house where we live. It is nice having less distractions. I am savoring all the family teamwork and time together. I love to learn so learning a new alphabet and vocabulary is a fun challenge even though the speaking part is still scary. After a month, the bazaars are less scary and crossing the street isn’t quite so intimidating. I am finding more boldness in trying to speak the language to locals and am able to see the humor in being packed like sardines on a bus with other people.

As I finish this musing, two verses come to mind. Lamentations 3:23 ” His mercies are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.” Also Phil 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

Dear God, Thank you that you love me enough to get me out of my comfort zone and into your zone. May I be faithful to the path you have for me. May I be quick to learn the lessons you have for me and be a light to those I meet. In Jesus name, Amen

1 thought on “Comfort Zone

    • Author gravatar

      T – I'm praying for you. I'll know about being out of my element in a couple of weeks and I hope I handle it as well as you seem to be. Thanks for sharing!

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