17 Years
Today is my 17th Wedding Anniversary and I thought I would share my bouquet of 17 flowers with you. When we were dating my DH gave me red daisies once and I have loved them ever since. Tonight W and D will hang out with their Aunt and Uncle while their mom and dad go on a date.
This year has been one of our toughest years and by God’s grace we feel like our marriage is stronger than it was. We have been challenged in our communication and staying connected. Most of all, we have discovered that our marriage is worth the fight and work needed to make it what God wants it to be.
Here are my take aways on marriage for the year.
1. Pray, pray, pray. Marriage is a picture of Christ and the church and for that reason is an enemy of Satan. I am in prayer not only for my marriage but those around me. My prayer is also for God to show me how to be the wife my DH needs.
2. My DH and I need not only quality time but quantity time as well. It helps us know that we are both on the same page and see each others heart. Our morning walks have been a good way for us to not only get exercise but talk about the day. In the evening, it is good when we are able to talk for a few minutes and maybe just enjoy some time reading or watching something on the computer.
3. Timing is key. This year I have learned about the boxes men have where things are compartmentalized and they like to focus on one thing at a time. One thing I have started doing is emailing my husband with things I don’t want to forget to tell him or even things we need to address as a family. It helps us with the thought process and timing. Also it’s kind of fun.
4. I am married to an amazing man who wants the best for our marriage and family just as I do. I always need to remember this as I trust him to lead our family.
5. God is using my family to make me more like Jesus. This means I need to focus on what kind of wife and mom I am rather than trying to help everyone else with their jobs.
6. God is good.
Dear God, Thank you for 17 years of marriage with my DH. May you be in the center of all we do. May our marriage glorify you as we seek to serve you each day. In Your Son’s name, Amen