Finding Hope-Ruth

Ruth, even though just four chapters, gives hope in a world where life can seem hopeless. Set in the time of the Judges, we see that Israel is in a time of failure. It is not a hopeful time. The book of Ruth gives a glimpse of what God is doing in the darkest of times. In some ways, we […]

A Gift from God

I regularly meet with a group of friends.  Our meetings began with us celebrating each of our birthdays. We have four in our group so this guaranteed that in the midst of our busy schedules we would come together at least 4 times a year. A few years ago, we decided four times a year was not enough and started […]

Whose name am I trying to make known?

As I have been reading through the book of Genesis, I have been thinking about and contrasting two stories. One is found in Genesis 11 and the other in Genesis 12. In Genesis 11, the people decide to make a name for themselves by uniting and building this tower instead of following God’s plan for their lives. They thought they […]

What my daughter says about our journey

This was the poem that W put in our Christmas card this year. With mountains of snow We are on the go To tell about Jesus They really really need us. I wear a cloth around my head Because of culture Mom said. We will do it Because God said to do it. Dear God, Guide our journey. As we […]