Favorite Things #2

I was going to try to do favorite things on Friday One of my favorite things is Saturdays where nothing big is planned and you just get to do whatever. Today would be one of those days. I had breakfast with my accountability group, took a tour of my friends new house, did laundry, went to lunch with my family, played sorry with the kids and just read all the blogs I like to look at. Oh I did grade papers but it is my last set of the year since I am doing scantron for the final. School brings me to another favorite thing. I love both the beginning and ending of school. Mostly I love the ending since I am usually nervous at the start. At the end, I like to remember how much my students have grown but I am ready to move on to a new set. I enjoy hearing the students perspective on the year and I get all sorts of fun comments. I am also itching to reorganize my classroom and binders and have all sorts of ideas of how to do it better next year. Most of all, I love summer where I can have lots of time with my kids if they will let me and no more grading papers until fall.

Dear God, Thank you for lazy Saturdays. Thank you for new starts and also for endings to a season. Thank you for summer. Bless this week as I finish up school. May my last words to these kids be full of grace and truth. Amen