Defining the Real Enemy

My daughter has been studying and memorizing Ephesians 6 so she can be a part of her Grandma’s church’s quiz team at camp. Therefore I have the opportunity to be reminded of a lesson God is teaching me. Who is the enemy? In Ephesians 6:12 Paul reminds us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of darkness. What I encounter is apathy, selfishness and rebellion and top of that I take things way too personal which is not a good thing when you work with teenagers daily. I have realized though that it isn’t really about me and them. It is something more then that. If I would remember this, I think my reactions would be much better. I need to go against the sin not the sinner. I do see some improvement but there is still a long ways to go.

Who is the enemy? Not my students but the apathy and other junk they bring into my classroom. In order to be better prepared I need to have the full armor of God. I need truth. I need faith and much more. But most of all I need to pray at all times in the Spirit. I need to remember that it is not about me but about what God can do through me.

God, In this last week of school be with me each step of the way. Let my words be full of truth and love. Let me love my students even when it is hard. May my answers be gentle. May I stand strong for what is right. May your Spirit be with me. Amen