True Victory

This week seemed impossible but God likes the impossible. We had deadlines that we thought could not be meant. God thought otherwise. In Ps. 60:11,12, it says, “O give us help against the adversary, for deliverance by man is in vain, through God we shall do valiently, and it is He who will tread down our adversaries.” This week has […]

Prince Caspian

Yesterday Noel and I finished our project for our Perspectives class. Perspectives has been good but I am glad it is done. To celebrate after church today, we took the kids to see Prince Caspian. We had heard the radio version of the story but it was fun to see it on the big screen. Even though I still like […]

Favorite Things Friday

Last night as I was taking a walk with my children, I was reminded that this was one of my favorite things. I love to hear them chatter about their day or run ahead and explore or even find pecans or acorns along the way. Sometime Buddy comes along and sometimes not. On this occassion we went to a creek […]