Living Water
We are thirsty alot these days and we have a lot of choices to choose from. Sometimes our thirst is physical and sometimes it is like the Psalmist describes in Ps 42:2 ” My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” And I would say that most often we don’t even know that we are actually thirsting for God. We think the solution to our problems is one thing when actually our solution is God and his living water. Take the example of the women at the well in John 4. Her problem was that she had to come to the well in the middle of the day to draw water plus she could use a good drink of water. Jesus offers her living water and she jumps at the chance for the physical to change. Then Jesus seems to change the subject when he asks her to go get her husband first. In reality, Jesus was doing what he does best. He was getting to the heart of the matter. He was going deeper to the spiritual problem. In the end, she still may have had to go back to the well for water to drink but spiritually she would never thirst again.
Often I think that my problem is that my circumstances are what needs to be changed like my students actually studying and doing their homework or my schedule working out the way I think it should or even the cold going away quicker. Sometimes in those situations, Jesus is knocking and asking us a question, not about our circumstances but about who we are in those circumstances? He is offering us the living water. He is offering us His Spirit. Jesus may not change my circumstances but He will change me. On the other hand, by changing me my circumstances may change for the better because I may have been the problem all along.
Dear God, Thank you for giving us living water so that we do not have to thirst anymore. Fill me with you today and everyday. Amen