Who are your Five?
Who are your five? Usually when people ask you this question, they are talking about the five people that you call the most. Actually I’ve never been asked this question, but the tv commercials would like us to think that this is a very important thing to know. So why the question?
A couple of weeks ago I told the Bible story in children’s ministry. The introduction included the story teller talking to the host about his five. It was a fun exchange that transitioned into a conversation about people bringing other people to meet Jesus. John introduced Andrew to Jesus. Andrew introduced Peter and Philip introduced Nathaniel. My story concluded with a challenge to the children to think of five people that they wanted to bring to Jesus or pray for. I went home thinking about who are my five. I decided to write down five people that I want to know Jesus and begin praying for them and an opportunity to share. Now I don’t have any exciting stories of how any of them have come to Jesus. But I have taken a step in that direction and I believe in a God who can direct the rest of my steps. Who are your five?
Dear God, You know who my five are and you love them and long for them to be close to you. You also know how I am inadequate in my attempts to tell others about you. May you in grace help me to be diligent to pray, ready to share and open to opportunities. Amen
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Our small group has begun study of the book, “Just Walk Across the Room”. We are discussing the opportunities God presents to link up with folks who need Christ as Savior and to grow that relationship. You have reminded me to be more intentional about praying for those I already know, that God might use me in some manner to help point them to Him.