I pulled a Jonah this week

When I say I pulled a Jonah, I didn’t actually catch a boat and go the other direction. Instead I knew that God wanted me to pray for one of my students while I was just hoping He would take the student out of my class. Sort of like Jonah preached to Ninevah to repent but was angry when they did. It is not that I don’t like to pray for people but I knew by praying I was commiting myself to action- to seek ways to reach out to this student. I did pray. Actually I did pray everyday out of obedience. Funny thing is God is doing just what I thought. He is changing my heart towards this student with an added bonus. The student has the support of his mom now who is committed to getting him back on track with as she says “lots of prayer”. Sometimes the hard thing is the right thing. I know hard work and prayer are ahead but God is with me and my attitude is better. I am thankful that God answers our prayers even when we have a hard time praying them.

Dear God, Help me to pray in obedience to you even when it is the hard thing. Amen

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2 thoughts on “I pulled a Jonah this week

    • Author gravatar

      As I read your musings, I am again covered with thankfulness that God placed you in our family. It is a blessing to know that our son and grandchildren are loved and nurtured by a lady with such a heart for God.

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