Stepping Out in Faith
Last week the children’s lesson at church was the story of Abraham following God’s leading to a new land. It was the story of Abraham’s step of faith. Here is a brief story of my family’s step of faith. My husband and I have been seeking a new direction but weren’t quite sure where He was leading. We did know that our first step needed to be putting our house up for sale and that I was also to apply for some teaching jobs. We took the first step the Friday before Mother’s day and I feel like we have been running ever since. Our house sold in 8 days. I had an interview and accepted a job a week after that. My husband felt confirmation in the direction he needs to go and God in his goodness allowed my job to be in the area we need to be for his schooling. Then lastly, we were able to find a rental house in the elementary school boundaries near where I teach. So we move this weekend to begin our new adventure. It is scary but not as scary as that first step.
Oh I forgot to tell you these amazing things. Our house selling in 8 days was a God thing. We live in a neighborhood where houses take 6 months to a year to sell. Also, I couldn’t figure out why no one was calling for an interview. When they did finally start calling, my first interview was with a school that was located in the area where we needed to live and I would also teach pre-calculus. Okay some of you may not be excited about pre-calculus but it was what I use to teach so makes it a little easier going back into the work world (I got the job by the way). One more amazing thing. We had a moving sale and sold all the big things that needed selling in one day. We closed up around 2 or so in the afternoon.
As we begin this journey, we ask for your prayers. I am looking forward to seeing God continue to work in our lives as the school year begins in August. I know that my children and I will both be stretched. I do know they are in God’s hands. I am excited to see how He will work in their lives as well.