In For Repairs
This past September I was without my car for about 5 days due to some carelessness on my part backing out of a parking spot. I couldn’t believe that my “little scratch” would take that long to fix. Getting my car fixed was frustrating. It took too long and messed up my schedule. I was on someone else’s timetable. Not all my mishaps have to do with cars, some are spiritual in nature. Misspoken words, a deed left undone, or even a few days not in the word are just a few examples of spiritual mishaps. Things that at first don’t seem like a big deal but later need a lot of fixing. I need some time in the hands of the master mechanic. He begins his work and sometimes it takes longer then I would like not because of the mechanic but because of the unwillingness of the car. But thankfully God never gives up. In Phillipians 1:6 it says, “God will complete the good work He has started in me.” Psalms 51 reminds me that when I go in for repairs that God can fix me up with a pure heart, a steadfast spirit and even restore the joy of my salvation.
Master Mechanic, Thank you for all the work you do each day to make me more like you. Help me not to get frustrated when things aren’t going my way but to remember that your timetable is best. In the end, it will be perfection not because of me but because of who is in me. Amen